The First Maryland Volunteer Infantry Regiment has been an active living history group since its formation in 1972. The organization is made up of dedicated volunteers who have an interest in the history of the Civil War period and strive to accurately portray the life of the common soldier or civilians from the State of Maryland. The First is involved in living history demonstrations, authentic encampments, educational lectures, ceremonial events, and battle reenactments across the Mid-Atlantic region. Occasionally, the unit travels beyond the mid-Atlantic as the ELF Mess. The group takes part in programs regularly in national and state parks; a privilege reserved for organizations with high state discipline and authenticity. A wide variety of events take place every year. The First designates one event each month as a company event, at which we urge our members to turn out.
The unit puts out a newsletter, The Marching Orders. The newsletter, along with the “H”, newsletter of our sister unit the 7th PA, and email are the way in which event information goes out to the membership. Members must supply their own period clothing and equipment. A large number of sources are available for both military and civilian reproduction goods and we would gladly help guide the beginner to find the most authentic sources.
In the field the unit lives in period pattern canvas tents, in the open, or in shebangs, cooks over open fires, and uses the same type of equipment and proper military drill that the Civil War soldier used. We pride ourselves in being one of the few units able to fully utilize period Union tactics. All of this is done to authentically portray and honor the lives of our Maryland ancestors. Authenticity in appearance is the watchword, without the negative attitude found in many other authentic units. There is great satisfaction in doing it right and having fun while doing it!
At many events The First MD teams up with the 7th PA Reserves and the 3rd MD to flesh out a larger Company appearance known as ELF company. In addition, at larger reenactments the First Maryland joins with authentic groups from other states to form a full sized regimental organization called the National Regiment of which the First MD is a charter member. Finally, we have also fallen in with the Army of the Pacific and other national organizations at non-NR attended events.
If you are looking for more than to simply read about your country’s history, if you want to reach out and touch the past, and do honor to the memory of those that answered the call, then join our ranks. We are always looking for people to join us by the camp fires.